Monday, March 1, 2010

We Are Men, men in tights

So, it has been quite a while since I last updated the old blogosphere, but here I am better late than never.  Since I know you guys are so desperate and hanging on pins and needles to here of my latest exploits.  Well, I'll fast forward you guys to Monday.  I've got a new job working for and I have been also doing some sweet stuff with the DECLINE magazine guys as well.  Can't get into it too much cuz it's top secret stuff you wouldn't wanna know... On top of that, I've been fortunate enough to be talking with Andreas Hestler for the last couple weeks now and we have finalized my arrangements for attending the BC bike race again this year.  However the crew has decided 7 days wasn't enough and this year they've bumped it up to 8! Lovely.  I'll be long gone again spending most of my free time away from work in the saddle, anybody who wants to join me I would love the company and motivation.  Ok then, that puts us up to this weekend.  Sammy (who I wont mention in the story got picked up at Neptune's Net cuz he couldn't finish the ride) Hatae, stormin Norm, Aaron (radio) as he's affectionately called, and myself made a commitment Friday night at Dago's birthday dinner.  Our pact was... RIDE, rain or shine.  We were going to be European and spend a good majority of the day riding and puttin down the miles.
  I've ridden in rain before, but nothing like this. After making a couple stops at the local bike shops to get Radio and Norm some rain gear, we hit the road.  By the time we climbed into Newbury Park the pouring rain turned to stinging hale.  The thunder and lightning were so close that I could almost feel the road shake under my wheels.  After questioning what the hell we were doing, we proceeded slowly down Potrero.  By the time we reached the old mental hospital the sun had momentarily come out so we decided to roll inside and eat while we took our shoes and socks off to let em dry some.  After a brief rest we headed back out through Camarillo and ended up on PCH by Pt. Mugu, and yes by that time is was pooring rain on us again, and I mean buckets!  We made it to Neptune's for a break and thats where our wolfpack of 4 lost one wolf and we became 3...  After some hot chocolate and standing under the heater the road taunted us, waiting for us to challenge the elements and mountains some more.  So, being the manly men that we are, we set out to finish the task we had started some 3 hours before.  And another hour and change later, we did.  Painfully and frigidly. Enough of that, here's some pics, couldn't get much more since no one had a waterproof camera.