Friday, November 12, 2010

Jeff Decker Tour

Alan and Jake, Jeff's father and brother live here locally in T.O. and I've know them for years and am always thankful for their hospitality and help whenever it came time to need parts for my jalopys. Jeff lives in Utah and although I've only met him a few times at the Decker's compound, he's a down to earth guy and truly loves what he does, and it's apparent in the quality of his work. Check this video out:

And here's a cool unrelated picture, cuz I like it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Interview with Dan Atherton at Sycamore BMX

As many of you probably know World Champion Dan Atherton broke his neck and nearly lost his life and all mobility earlier this year. He came out to Sycamore yesterday to watch the photshoot with Mike Day and Leatt brace. He's got a bit of cabin fever as he's here in the states with not much to do and just getting out of his neck brace. Check the video of his recover and a couple shots I took at the track...

Veterans Day Salute

Watch these guys have some fun, and throw down some serious 360's and back flips without a helmet on a pretty crappy hardtail...