Tuesday, February 9, 2010

See, I'm not always a downer

Today kicked ass!!  Got out with Mark and Scott from DECLINE mag and did some testing on new products and got to ride a sick trail in I would say, damn near perfect conditions.  Got to see RC down at the bottom doin a test for another mag in between runs which was pretty sweet...  Living in so cal we don't get much opportunity to ride in different conditions, today was an exception, and an exceptional exception to be exact!  Big slabs of rock covered in water, puddles, mud, (not the horrible band, though I would enjoy running them over, probably more so in my van) anyways, top speed was a bit lower than usual however that did not spare us from several near close calls and OH $#it$ as slick conditions forced us into less than desirable line choices and riding in more of a reflexive manner.  Lots of screaming today!  Well, unfortunately I was unable to get any pics of the days events due to our racing the rain, however I am able to share with you a rather entertaining video clip of me stepping off the bike on Suicide a few months ago, which led to me wearing that nice 14 inch bracelet around my wrist for 4-6 weeks, you may remember, it was that time period when I was very grumpy and couldn't ride my bike?
Anyways, enjoy and keep on truckin!!

Monday, February 8, 2010



Well, first off I'm gonna start by getting it out in the open, today was garbage and I have officially been pissed since about 11:30 A.M.  Today was my 2nd attempt at "racing" Fontana and what a pile it was!  My pedaling (or lack thereof) seriously had me questioning if there was something physically wrong with me! No shit, half way through the wall, rather than pedaling my mind began thinking of what possible disease I have which is what causes my legs to feel like they are pumping liquid hot battery acid and wont even support my body weight.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with not training at all and being a total pu$$?... Gotta be a medical problem I'm sure of it. Anyways,  even though I haven't been keeping up last couple weeks doesn't mean I haven't been up to anything.  Quite the contrary, the last few weeks have been some of the most exciting I've had in a while.  Lots of new things on the horizon that I'm very stoked about and I'll get into later.  At the moment I am quite tired from getting only a few hours sleep this weekend in the back of my van in FONTANA! Let me tell you, that place is a real gem if you're a people watcher. Pretty much the best thing you could own out there, aside from a concealed weapons permit, is a lawn chair! Park that shit anywhere and you will be thoroughly entertained and happy to kick back and watch the fine specimens of life cruisin around this lovely desert rose of a town.  I digress, so, weekend was fun, killer track, top section anyway, and good stuff going on.  

  I will say this, I will once again be doing the BC bike race, this time with some more support and documenting it for http://declinemagazine.com/ , so, I will most likely be asking my friends to support me and check their site often and let me and them know what you think of the trip and training leading up to my departure.  So, along with making some updates here I will be uploading stories, videos, etc up there until the event is finished and an article will be printed, which I will also beg you all to buy a copy of!! PLEASE.  Well, before my rambling goes off too much more and getting into things that have no reason being here I'll share some pics from an XC ride I went on last week and a couple fuzzy garbage shots from F-town.  Quality of the shots should summarize my state of mind after my race run... Oh, and I'm still pissed about it too.