Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One day, I will


  So, I've done a real good job of not keeping my word and updating this thing. The days have been going by too fast and I don't have enough hours to keep everything on track. Training for BC Bike Race has pretty much all but consumed any free time I have outside of work. Apologies to all who have been flaked on or forget what it feels like to be made fun of by me. Speaking of, be sure to check out My good buddies have continued on making some killer trips on the motorbikes the last few weeks and left me here bummed and jealous while I spin circles for hours wishing I could just be havin fun roamin the desert. Ah, enough self pity I did sign up for this. Anyhow, I have mixed some good times in with the training, as naturally one should. This weekend hoping to get up to Mt Pinos with some guys from work and do some altitude single track work! Anybody who wants to come up is more than welcome. Last weekend was the Tour of California. What a blast that was. With the exception of being way to easily talked into climbing that infamous section of Mulholland on my tall bike. Think I should check the record books as it may be the first ascent by such a cycle in all of history! I digress, to those of you who made it out to the TOC, you already know the partyin that went down and for those that didn't, I'm much too tired to tell you. You blew it. I'm a bit tired this evening and it's time to grab another bag of ice for my knee. Enjoy the pics. More to come... Once I'm not lazy and upload my own not everyone else's

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Well, I've been a bit lazy and more than a bit busy to keep on top of this thing lately... I've definitely been slacking on taking pictures while out on the latest exploits. This weekend was no different. Although I don't have much proof, Idyllwild put on a great event and the Spring Challenge was a total success.  After Map Quest had some fun with me, I ended up meeting some local hill folk who offered to lead me back up the mountain to where Hurkey Creek camp ground was. It was like a run down moonshine highway following these people. Had the van power sliding corners shifting bikes and gear all around keeping up with our wife beater wearing tour guide and his race truck. We got to the camp ground around midnight and after cruising through the park found our group's campsite. We shifted some gear around in the back and and passed out for a few hours. After Colby pounded on my window I rolled outta the van and finished dialing in the new Jet9 I was going to be racing. With about 15 seconds to spare I rolled up to the start line and set out for the 30 mile adventure I had signed up for. I'll spare the details of my next few hours of emotions, though I will say it was a roller coaster. Several hours later I rolled into the finish area and felt like dog shit. It was a rude wake up call to my state of physical fitness and the weeks ahead to BC. The rest of the weekend was full of good times and bonfires. It's nice to get out see some new scenery and and hang with some friends. Nature is here to enjoy it, get out and see something new!