Friday, July 30, 2010

Jimmy Mac's

 Last month's issues of Mountain Bike Action had a great how-to article on building your own quality pump track. Aside from making me want to find a plot of land to build a pump track, it got me thinking about how I could get an invite over to Jimmy's wonderful ranch style home. Well, this week fortune fell in my lap and I found myself leaving work early headed due west for Somis. After rollin up to Jimmy's, we unloaded and made our way to the side yard where Eric Carter had worked his magic. Well, that's enough of that. The pictures aren't much but in a scramble to get outta work in time, I forgot the camera so all we got are the some camera phone shots. Tomorrow we're headed up to Big Bear for some good times and riding. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Howdy all, in preparation for this evenings adventure to the legendary Jimmy Mac's house, I have dug through some pictures from my recent trip to BC. During the BC Bike Race we made plenty of great new friends and shared a bunch of laughs together. One of those people was JJ, who I'd like to call Nacho.

The final night of BCBR was a huge banquet party at a very swanky Whistler hotel. After spending the final evening with the 700 or so people who were our family for the week, we parted ways. Nacho, like many of the other race workers lived near Whistler and plenty of hot tips for the goings on for the week we were staying. The Chromag Family has an incredible pump track hidden back up in the woods at a top secret location which I can not share with the likes of you. However, what I can say is that everyone there was super friendly and welcoming. Although we brought a total of 5 bikes with us, neither of us had the appropriate machine for the pump track and subsequently we were allowed full use of the slut bikes. Pump tracks may not look very fun to an observer, though it is one of those things that, when you're on it, you'll be huffing air and feeling weak long before you get bored. Each time we exit the track for a breather we all share the same stupid grin on our faces. Here's a video from Chromag's site, this video does not do the track justice however. Nonetheless, enjoy and stay tuned for pics from the MBA pumptrack tonight.

(Pumptrack Tuesday's, it's about half way down for the illiterate)

On another note, the rest of the pictures are from the drive home. Seattle has an incredible bike park under the I-5. If you have driven through the city you wouldn't have even know that there were people like Scott Toepfer getting sick air and crashing his face off right below your very car! If you are ever driving up north and looking for a "break" I highly recommend a stop. It'll certainly wake you up for the last little stretch of driving up to Whistler, a nice warm up too. Though, it is a bit of a bummer when it's as hot as is was while we were there. It's not always the most comfortable thing being completely sweaty and covered in dirt then have to hop in a van for several hours. Though, we made good use of the local hose. OH and I totally forgot. Portland Oregon is home to quite possibly the coolest donut shop in the world, This visit we were luckier than most. Upon walking up to the counter to order, our punk rockish bohemian looking server asks us if we're planned on buying donuts. Naturally, we did come to the best donut store EVER, to buy donuts. She informs us that if we are nice, she will give us a special donut surprise. How can I resist, I have a sweet tooth the size of Texas. "I'm the nicest guy you've ever met!" She is quite surprised at this response and she lights up as she says, follow me. I turn and look to Colby and Scott with what I'm sure can best be described as my usual shit eating grin, and prepare to be amazed. She points to a 5 gallon bucket full of donuts that were left over from that mornings grave yard shift. "Take em" she says. I'm in disbelief, all of em? How much? Why? All thoughts running through my head, like it was some sort of horrible prank and she was waiting for me to grab em before she slapped my hand or something. Nope, it was true, the donuts were ours and off we were back on the road with a van that stunk full of deep fried goodness. Next stop, Lipitor.

Bring the fun

Monday, July 26, 2010

Vodka Water

 This kinda stuff is pretty amazing to me, I mean, not only is it surprising because of the incredible number of people who have drowned, but the fact it's avoidable, and on top of that, this "crazy" heat wave is not even breaching 100 degrees! I thought Russians were bad asses? Down south, them good ol' boys can drink in way hotter weather, play with guns, swim, and think of crazy games to play, while bein wasted on moonshine. 

Russians are flocking to local beaches to escape soaring temperatures in Moscow -- leading many, unintentionally, to their deaths.

Area lakes and ponds have been packed with groups and families, including some with small children, with a three-week heatwave sending temperatures up to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).

And now, officials say the heatwave has lead to a spike in drowning deaths in the Moscow vicinity. More than 1,200 people have died recently from drowning as they tried to escape the heat; between July 5 and 12, a total of 233 Russians were reported to have drowned -- the alleged result of carelessly swigging vodka before swimming. More than 1,200 people have died from drowning.

Last week, five children and a summer camp counselor drowned in southern Russia's Sea of Avov, while the other counselors who were supposed to be minding them were found to be drunk.

Just another reason I'm proud to be an American!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Curtis joins the band

This gem was passed along to me, thank you very much. I was unaware that our very own Curtis was a star. His band is a mix of electronic mind warping, and lil wayne.  On a side note, I've eaten more burritos in the last 4 days than I've had hours of sleep. Way to start the week, lookin forward to Monday morning.
Burrito # 6 (Tapatio packets are key!)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cameron Zink really just did that!

Watch the very end of this video because it will most likely make you question your manhood. (As well as his sanity)

Be back with more soon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

MC Spandx the sequel

Well, looks like Mr. Performance has seen the light and gotten away from all that trendy road ridin and decided he likes to ride dirty.

Sunday, July 4, 2010



Howdy all,
The BC Bike Race has just finished and we are winding down after a long week on the road. The traveling circus that we've grown to love is splitting up and we're all left to think of our own ways to spend the day. Gone are the days of waking, eating, pedaling, eating, pedaling, sleeping. (Repeat) We finished up the event last night in the Fairmont Chateau in Whistler. The final banquet with video, slide show and DJ were in an incredibly elegant hall in the far end of one of the most prestigious hotels in Whistler. To say the motley group of mountain bikers filling the hall were out of the norm for this establishment would be a stretch. The party began around 7 with fine food and wonderful desserts. It was a real pleasure to be part of BCBR again this year and I greatly appreciated everything that Dave, Dean, and Dre did this year to make sure I was taken care of. This event is one that will be remembered by all participants but, they really hooked me up with another level of rad! From the float plane flight to the fun nights at The Executive, and needless to say, the unreal riding. Unfortunately, my relaxation time isn't quite here yet, I'll be headed up to Whistler Bike Park shortly to dust off the big bike and do some DH runs. I'll get some more up here shortly. For now, enjoy the pics and check they are posting daily uploads with full stories.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Saga Continues

Well, internet connection has been a bit rough this year at the BCBR. At this point tonight is the first real time I've had a comfy place to get online and do anything. Guess, what, tonight I am far to worn out to even get into the riding and awesomeness that has been my life for the last several days. For now I will put up a few more pics and hope you enjoy. Stories still to come. 
PS Because I'm big pimpin with a media pass, I now fly in float planes!