Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Say Cheese

So as if I couldn't love Canada anymore, this trip I was taken to a new little diner in Squamish (aka Squampton) called Grilled Fromage. JJ is friends with the owner so we got a nice treatment with some fancy appetizer sampler bits. The menu here is on the wall, and it is a large wall. Over 60 types of grilled cheese sandwiches. It was incredible. The vibe in this place was rad, it was a gloomy sunday and they had Mr. Cash singin the blues. The decor is amazing, any place that has Burt Reynolds on the door to the mens restroom is OK in my book!
After thinking long and hard about my order, I narrowed it down to two sandwiches; The K-Ched, and the Maple Leaf. What a treat that was! A grilled cheese with special Canadian cheddar, maple syrup, and you guessed it Canadian bacon. How can you beat that!? You can't that's how. Be sure to check this place out on your next trip up to Whistler, it won't disappoint.

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