Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Just Can't Get Enough

  I'm not fan of Depeche Mode, but they may have said it best when it comes to Big Santa Anita Canyon, I just can't get enough.  So after a week away I couldn't stop thinkin about shredding through those lush tree covered single tracks up there in the Angeles forest.  Although we didn't have everyone who had hoped to make it, Jen and I set out on our own little ride which developed into a mini-epic pushing into the forrest long after the sun had quit.   
So, if you read the last post, the one of me raving about how fun and endless the trail network is up there I don't need to delve back into the descriptions and imagery. (Plus today I've got pictures)  But, what I will go into is one of the most awesome things that has happened to me out on a trail ride.  As Jen and I were flowing down this swoopy trail paralleling a creek in a deep canyon I came up over a 10 foot or so tall rise and about 35 feet ahead of me was a 300 plus pound BEAR!  No shit, I stopped dead in my tracks and waited(a long time) till Jen pulled up to point out the bear as it went scrambling up the hill startled by our bikes chattering down the trail.  Not long after Yogi scarred the shit outta me the trail ended as did the daylight.  However, with so much fun to be had out there in the woods, how could we pack it in?!  Jen did call me a quitter and made me take off my skirt and we took a left turn and headed further away from the van and back into the woods looking for a waterfall I can't even remember the name of.  Darkness crept in as we pedaled deeper into the woods, soon we came across an unreal little settlement of cabins built in the 1930's-40's, a couple even had Christmas lights!  After following the sound of a generator the last few minutes up to a cabin nestled against the creek bed, we watched some old creepy bearded hermit chillin in his place doin who knows what.  This was about the time we decided this search may be better put off for another day... Until then, enjoy the pics and turn it up!

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