Monday, December 14, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

  Ok, now I'm sure you are getting tired of looking at pictures and hearing stories of the same place, and I may be a bit of a creature of habit, but usually I do try and venture out some.  However, since Ian took me out to Chantry Flats I just can't sleep soundly or quit day-dreaming about what else is out there!  Needless to say, I went back. This will be the last time you will have to read about my wonder-lust for BSC.  Today, my buddy Scott Hart, from DECLINE MAG, accompanied me with an equal amount of zest and adventure.  With a bag that looked like he was going to be spending the night on the mountain, and myself in a hip-hop sized rain jacket, we hit the trail and the good times began.  As mentioned previously, (twice) the climb which is normally pretty mellow spit some new game at us today as the rain slicked rocks and mudslides pushed our tires nearer to the edge of an already narrow trail.  After a few close calls we were dropping our seat posts, via remote levers cuz we're in the know, and started dropping singletrack like Ike dropped Tina.  Now, Scott and I were fully aware that we were being total pussies at the creek crossings, but didn't mind waving our "socal" flags too high.  The water had risen with the recent rain and what may have been rideable last week was not a good idea today.  However, after tiptoeing around 5 or 6 crossings, our skills had sharpened and Scott went big, too big.  His uncustomized plastic shoes slid off a wet rock he was jumping for and in he went! Plunged to the depths of a 2 foot creek bed. I was next to go, he jinxed me and on the next crossing I was soaked too.  Now that our skirts were off, we had a blast trudging through the icy water and seeing who could ride em out.  Once we reached Robert's Camp we headed back up the mountain to a beautiful waterfall and took some photos. 
Our thirst had not yet been quenched so we headed further up the mountain headed for Zion peak.  After quite a steep and challenging climb, mostly because of the 8 inch wide trail cut into the side of a mountain with 60 foot drops to the side, we peaked the summit and relished our victory, victory over monday.  What followed was an incredible descent, strewn with big rocks, quick drops, and more switchbacks than crumbs in Rosie O'Donnel's couch.  We were dorks and knew it, the grins and high fives were out in effect today, and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity and ability to get out and see and experience what so many who live just down the road will never know.  Till then, keep the rubber side down, and turn it up!

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